The Puzzle of Productivity : Embracing the Puzzler's Mindset

The Puzzle of Productivity : Embracing the Puzzler's Mindset

In the vast expanse of our daily tasks and projects, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of what needs to be accomplished. However, adopting a puzzler's mindset can transform this daunting outlook into a series of achievable steps, boosting our productivity and satisfaction. The puzzler's mindset isn't about focusing on how much is left to do; it's about celebrating each piece placed, each step taken toward completing the grand picture.

Celebrate Each Step

Just as a puzzler lays down one piece at a time, without fretting over the untouched pieces still in the box, we too can apply this principle to our work. By concentrating on the current task—our 'puzzle piece'—we channel our energies more efficiently, without the distraction of the unfinished picture. This focused approach not only enhances our productivity but also our sense of accomplishment as we complete each task.

Focus on Progress, Not the Unfinished

A key element of the puzzler's mindset is maintaining focus on the progress made rather than the overwhelming sight of what remains. This perspective shift is crucial. It enables us to see the growing pattern and structure, rather than an intimidating array of tasks. Every piece placed is a step forward, a small victory in the broader scheme of our objectives.

The Drive from Positive Feedback

Every puzzle piece correctly placed is a form of positive feedback, a tangible marker of progress. This feedback loop is vital. It propels us forward, fueling our motivation with each small success. In a professional context, recognizing and celebrating these milestones can significantly impact our overall productivity and job satisfaction.


Adopting the puzzler's mindset for productivity means reevaluating our approach to tasks and projects. It encourages us to find joy and motivation in the process, to focus on the present step, and to draw energy from our progress. By doing so, we not only enhance our productivity but also our enjoyment and satisfaction in our work. Like a puzzle gradually coming together, our tasks can unfold in a manageable and rewarding way, piece by piece.  You’ll Always Get There.

April 11, 2024